Tuesday, May 30, 2006

For Cat Lovers, Mademoiselle Jade

Here are a few pictures of our cute cat, Jade. Jade is around 4 years old (we've had her since she was 1). She was rescued by the MSPCA when she was found wandering alone in another part of the island. The day we visited the MSPCA to get a cat, Jade chose Mr CB by putting on a lovely display in her cage. Although we wanted a kitten we simply could not resist her.

Jade is very playful but dislikes being handled too much. She's not a lap cat but she will keep you company on the sofa or bed providing you tickle her tummy, ears, chin, back legs, cheeks and head (not necessarilly at the same time of course). Jade likes to climb on Little Miss CB's climbing frame and sit and watch the world go by from the platform. She can also give you a 'hi-five' if she's in the mood, of course.


  1. Jade is so adorable, you gotta love cats.

  2. Yeah - who needs prozac when you've got a cat (or three!)
