Friday, April 18, 2008

Craftster journal swap, 2nd journal made

Check out the 2nd journal I made for the Craftster 'Make me a journal' swap. This was made especially for 'Karia' who didn't receive a journal from her spoiler. Hopefully it should have arrived by now and she will like it.

I also included an empty sweety box which I filled with ideas and journalling prompts for days when inspiration is lacking. I downloaded the ideas sheet from and printed them out onto coloured paper. is a fun resource for art and writing stuff. Check it out if you get a mo.

I'm getting better at the coptic stitch binding and I used STR wool to bind this journal instead of embroidery thread. The stitch definition is much better with a thicker yarn or thread. There are more details about the journal on my Flickr page. Thanks for looking. x

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