"I am trying to find anyone who purchased a Westie puppy on the Isle of Man in May 2013. The puppies were born on the 3/4th March and were English KC registered. I really need to talk to anyone who bought one of these puppies. I will guarantee absolute discretion with anything you chose to share with me. My phone number is 456567 or email scsallyann@manx.net. Thanks in advance everyone".
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Westie puppies: Isle of Man 2013
"I am trying to find anyone who purchased a Westie puppy on the Isle of Man in May 2013. The puppies were born on the 3/4th March and were English KC registered. I really need to talk to anyone who bought one of these puppies. I will guarantee absolute discretion with anything you chose to share with me. My phone number is 456567 or email scsallyann@manx.net. Thanks in advance everyone".
Posted by
10:18 am
Labels: IOM, Isle of Man, Isle of Man puppies, pup, puppies, puppy, west highland terrier, westie puppies
Friday, June 28, 2013
Isle of Man Puppies
There is an influx of puppies to the Isle of Man from the UK and Ireland. While this is not illegal, prospective owners should avoid anyone selling a puppy on behalf of someone else. There is a wealth of information on the internet about buying puppies from a 3rd party or dealer. Ignore it at your peril! Visit Isle of Man Puppies for more information.
Posted by
9:42 am
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Manx Bay Festival June 2010
Just back from Sunday afternoon at the Manx Bay Festival. It was FAB! We three are all absolutely knackered but it was well worth it!
The dance acts were amazing (Signature, Stavros Flatley, Diversity) and the singers equally enjoyable (Eoghan Quigg, Danyl Johnson, Ruth Lorenzo and Olly Murs). Sadly George Sampson couldn't make it due to illness so DJ Ironik stood in for him. DJ Ironik is slightly out of my musical comfort zone but still a good time was had by all.
Voiceover man from the X Factor, Peter Dickinson, presented the acts and was quite entertaining - I was hoping to report that he had been RUDDY HILARIOUS but there was something missing. He didn't do enough talking with his 'voiceover' voice and imho spoke too long in between the acts.
So that's that. After all the hype and build up over the past few weeks and months, it's finally over, gone (well technically it's not over until tonight as the 80's show is on now, but as we're not going to be there bopping away to Rick Astley and Boy George, it's over. Finito.)
I can't wait to listen to the radio tomorrow to hear the feedback and comments from people. Plus it'll be a laugh to hear the DJ's talking with croaky voices. I wonder what Alex Brindley sounds like with a husky voice. He certainly looks quite delish in the flesh, so to speak!!!
Night night folks. x
Posted by
7:37 pm
Labels: June 2010, Manx bay festival
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hast it really been 2 years?
Crikey. I hadn't realised that it has been so long since I posted. I've been in a pretty bad funk these last 18 months or more, due to both my physical pain and deteriorated mental health resulting from the relentless pain! Hard to explain this to anybody who hasn't really suffered in the same way: picture if you will, a bear with a sore head, chinese water torture and a good poke in the eye and it barely touches the surface of my day to day nonsense. But hey-ho, that's life!
There is some hope. I've recently started on some new meds so hopefully I won't be such a miserable cow and will enjoy going out more. I have continued to craft these past few years but haven't felt like sharing, talking, socialising etc.. with anybody. Even Mr CB and the 'notsolittle' Little Miss CB have been 'spared' my company outside of the house but I'm trying my best to rectify this while I'm in a positive frame of mind. Even joining a club/guild might be within reach! Steady on girl.
Speaking of going out...The Manx Bay Festival is on this coming weekend and we three are going to see the X Factor/Britain's Got Talent show. Can't wait! Wish I could manage to see the some of the other acts too but I know my limitations.
The recent sunshine on the Island has been a real boost. Although I'm not a fan of heat (living in Spain for 6 years was enough for me thank you very much!) I have been out in the garden as much as I can tolerate and have finally lost that deathly anaemic pale thing I had going on. Looks cool when you're 16 but not so good when you're approaching the big 40!
Finally finished planting the last of the plants that Mr CB and Little Miss CB bought about 6 weeks ago - between us we potted up 6 planters with Geraniums, Nicotinia, Petunias & Begonias, and even managed to squeeze 3 small hanging baskets with the last few plants. In days gone by I would have completed this in a weekend (perhaps) and although the slow progress has been frustrating (much like typing on this poxy keyboard - hate it) the hard work is done and the plants are beginning to flower. Nice!
So there you have it. I may post again soon if I feel up to it. I may not. Just taking each day as it comes for now. Definitely an improvement on taking each day hour by hour.
Posted by
10:24 am
Labels: crafting, gardening, Manx bay festival, Pain
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Pretty graphics

Posted by
11:12 pm
Labels: background, banners, buttons, Graphics, Paint.Net, skns
Friday, July 11, 2008
ETSY Treasury
I made my first Trasury on ETSY this morning. These are some of my favourite felt finds on Etsy at the moment..
xx Bernie
Posted by
6:56 am
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Custom Needle Felted Dodo
I started with a rough sketch of what I imagined a dodo would look like. I focused on the large butt, small wings, short legs and humongous beak! This photo mosaic shows the process from start to finish, including a sneaky peek at the sketch, the initial core of fiberfill and building up the layers:

As part of this custom order, I made a smaller dodo which is intended to be used as a keychain. However, when I made it in similar colours to the 'mummy' bird, it didn't look right. So I decided to make him looking like a baby birdie:

And finally, the two of them together. Awww...

Honestly I could have spent hours and hours posing the two of them and taken 100's of photos. There's a few more pics on my Flickr if you want to check them out.
If you like needle felted sculptures, then check out more works on Flickr under the following tags: NFEST (Etsy Needle Felters Street Team), FFFriends (Felting Forum Friends).
Thanks for looking. x Bernie x
Posted by
5:00 am
Labels: alchemy, bid, bird, custom, dodo, etsy, felt, merino roving, Needle Felting, original, sculpture, wool
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Needle Felted Skulls

Here are a few basic skull beads that I made a while back. They were needled quite firmly to the point that they feel like high density polystyrene. They weigh practically nothing and are great fun to embellish with embroidery if you fancy a 'dia de los muertos' look.
I'm still waiting on the perfect project to add these to and an excuse to make even more. But for now, enjoy this sneaky peek at my geekery!
Posted by
5:04 am
Labels: embroidery, felt, merino, Needle Felting, roving, skulls, wool
Monday, June 23, 2008
Cluster Necklace for Craftster swap

It should be interesting as the items are posted on the Gallery first. Then, one by one the names are drawn from a hat, a prize is drawn from a hat and the two are paired up.
Here is my contribution, a cluster of red beads which includes a mix of glass, plastic, ceramic and seed beads.
One of the participants in the swap said the beads reminded them of pomegranite seeds! And I think they're right.
The beads have a lovely golden hue to them. Just wish I could remember where I bought them now! Lol.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mi logo es loco!

The inspiration comes from my most favourite felted item. I used a photo of my latest toadstool pincushion (which is presently listed in my Etsy shop, wink wink)....

I then 'traced' over the photo using some photo editing software....

and coloured it in using Paint. Et voila! A new original piece of artwork to use as I see fit.

I thought that I could use it to decorate sales labels and stickers for my felted goods and other wares.
What do you think? Is it too frivilous? I wanted something that represents what I'm making and selling right now. I had been using the fairy avatar as my identifying feature, but as I'm not selling fairies she didn't seem to have a 'relationship' with my stuff.
OK, so maybe it's a work in proress, but it's a start. Feedback would be great. Let me have it, but play nice - I'm a delicate soul! Lol.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Three Scarves Fulled & the Six Foot Tall Lightbox

The light in there is perfect, kind of like a 6 foot tall lightbox! Amazing... where oh where have I been to miss this one!
Just listed the wrap at the front and the scarf at the back in my Etsy shop. The middle one will be listed later on this week.

I'm just finishing off some felted pouches for Nintendo DS lite games, cameras etc.. and will hopefully be able to add them tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for your feedback on the felted scarf. It's really appreciated!
Posted by
2:50 pm
Labels: blue faced leicester, etsy, felt, felted, felting, merino roving, pink, scarf, Shawl, wool, wrap