Dishcloths? Handknit dishcloths?! I used to wonder why oh why people bothered with these. What's the big deal, eh? But I've been blogging for almost two years now, and I think I've finally gotten past the initial 'why-oh-why' hump to see that they're actually quite good fun. Especially if you're like me and enjoy instant gratification projects.
Ouch! The words of my dad are ringing hard in my ears, "don't knock what you haven't tried". He used to say that a lot to me when we were growing up. And it's true.
So, with this new found interest in handknit dishcloths, I've signed up for my first dishcloth swap over on the CTnY forum. This is the theme for January, our first swap of 2008.
If you fancy taking part in a dishcloth swap, check out the "DWD" (Defeat the Winter Doldrums) Dishcloth Swap run by Anne of The Bag Lady & The Pro. Signups open for the DWD D'cloth Swap on January 11th 2008. It's only a $20 spend (plus P&P) and the package is straight forward enough: dishcloth(s), yarn, soap & treats. Check out the blog for more info.
Now for some blog love. Anne is celebrating one year blogiversary so why not pop on over there and boost her readership! She's actually having a little competition for everybody who comments so if you do pop over to her blog, don't for get to say that craftybernie sent you! ;)
Oh, and speaking of swaps, let me squeeze one more in. It's the UK swap. A knitters swap exclusively for UK residents. It runs from January to March and the minimum spend is £20. The package requirements are easy enough - 200yards of yarn, yummy treats, something to pamper & and something inspirational.
Check out this for more info. Signups are open on January 7th for two weeks. BTW, you don't need a blog to take part, just an anonymous email address!!
Ouch! The words of my dad are ringing hard in my ears, "don't knock what you haven't tried". He used to say that a lot to me when we were growing up. And it's true.
So, with this new found interest in handknit dishcloths, I've signed up for my first dishcloth swap over on the CTnY forum. This is the theme for January, our first swap of 2008.
If you fancy taking part in a dishcloth swap, check out the "DWD" (Defeat the Winter Doldrums) Dishcloth Swap run by Anne of The Bag Lady & The Pro. Signups open for the DWD D'cloth Swap on January 11th 2008. It's only a $20 spend (plus P&P) and the package is straight forward enough: dishcloth(s), yarn, soap & treats. Check out the blog for more info.
Now for some blog love. Anne is celebrating one year blogiversary so why not pop on over there and boost her readership! She's actually having a little competition for everybody who comments so if you do pop over to her blog, don't for get to say that craftybernie sent you! ;)

Check out this for more info. Signups are open on January 7th for two weeks. BTW, you don't need a blog to take part, just an anonymous email address!!
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